projected CAGR growth for Data Creation and Collection till 2024.
Source: IDC 2020
of global storage capacity will be deployed as SDS on-premises or in the public cloud by 2024 (up from less than 15% in 2020).
Source: Gardner Strategic Roadmap 2021
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the next 5 years to reach $26.4 billion in 2024.
Source: IDC 2021
of all workloads will be in the cloud within the next five years.
Source: LogicMonitor 2020
of employers will speed up their cloud computing migration due to the pandemic.
Source: LogicMonitor 2020
Modernise to Optimise
AI/ML, business intelligence & analytics, data lakes, distributed workflows, containerised and cluster provisioning are all part of Software Defined Service IT model. As organizations look to modernise their IT infrastructure, and continue to adopt private and hybrid cloud strategies, making sure that applications, data and hetrogeneous equipment can be deployed in any environment becomes critically important.
Where it all comes together
Software Defined Storage is the first key to unlocking the opportunities as it starts with your most valuable asset - your data. SDS or Software Defined Storage delivers ultimate flexibility to IT teams to design, build, manage, and maintain their storage infrastructure efficiently and economically by virtualizing the storage layer and abstracting the software functions from the hardware. It breaks down storage silos and hardware dependencies (legacy systems) while centralizing governance of capacity. Its flexibility allows you to scale out capacity infinitely, while making data storage smarter, cost effective and easier to manage, to be ready for the future.
Click here to discover The Power of Software Defined Storage Today!
Ambedded & Lightbits
Our collaboration with Ambedded Technology and Lightbits is our commitment to deliver:
the best entreprise grade SDS solutions available in the market today to meet your business needs
lower TCO
swift, seamless integration and adoption (Legacy Modernisation)
The Future of IT is certainly now open to infinite possibilites; especially with open resource based technologies and cloud computing. SoCALLorEMAIL ustoday to discuss how to capitalise on SDS and perform better, because the benefits are exponential.